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Tuesday, June 28, 2011

"..Beauty is fleeting.. but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised"

Beauty is always changing. When we look back over time we see that the definition of "beautiful", according to the world, is always changing. One decade it was to be like Marilyn Monroe, just 10 years later it is to be thin like Twiggy. The constant striving to attain perfection is draining, it robs us of all peace. As I look through these pictures I am encouraged that, unlike beauty, God is unchanging. As I take my attention off of my physical appearance and place my energy in seeking Him, I will find that who I am in Him is exactly enough. Next year, it will still be that way. Ten years from now, I will still be enough... because He is enough. Instead of chasing the current "standard of beauty", we can rest in the truth that we are created in the image of the most beautiful Being that ever existed. In this we have the freedom to embrace our shape, our size, our age, our color, our skin, our hair, our gifts... all of it, because it brings glory to our Maker.   
"Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever" Hebrews 13:8



1900's beauty pageant

1930's bathing suit








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